Together let us seek the heights
It is with great pride that I introduce you to Alpha Chi Omega, Pi Chapter here at the University of California, Berkeley!
Why Alpha Chi? You might expect me to share my favorite Alpha Chi story, but, to me, being an Alpha Chi cannot be condensed into just one memory. It’s a conglomeration of moments that enhance the Berkeley experience while bettering ourselves and our community. It’s the visual of smiling faces, the sound of laughter, the smell of fresh carnations, the taste of Irma’s homemade tortilla soup, and the feeling of belonging. When I think of Alpha Chi, I think of variety, passion, and love. Our members put their heart and soul into everything they do, whether this be researching in the lab, basking in the limelight of acapella groups, or raising their voices in the ASUC and other organizations. To me, the best part of Alpha Chi is our dynamism: we can go from tears to laughter in seconds – the relief from releasing intense emotion to the joy of tummy-aching laughter. Our arms are open and our minds buzz with the excitement that comes with improving the world around us.
At Alpha Chi Omega, our mission is to empower each other to grow in our leadership, academics, service, and character. Our diverse sisterhood is the core of our chapter, enabling us to share in the bond that connects the hundreds of thousands of Alpha Chi Omega women across the nation. Alpha Chi Omega strives to remain inclusive of women of all races, ethnicities, sexual orientations, religions, and identities — regardless of sex assigned at birth.
As an organization built by and for real, strong women, we are committed to empowering women both inside and outside of our sisterhood. I invite you to visit our philanthropy page to learn how Alpha Chi Omega supports survivors and raises awareness of domestic violence. Last year, our chapter raised nearly $11,000 for Ruby’s Place, a local shelter for survivors in the East Bay. We help with legal fees, medical bills, and childcare, assist survivors and their families into permanent housing, and ultimately make a tangible difference in hundreds of lives. Women supporting women is the heart of our philanthropy; because when we empower other women, we ourselves are empowered.
Alpha Chi Omega is a community of leaders dedicated to creating change; we have been since 1885, and I can assure you we are not backing down any time soon. Whether you have been an Alpha Chi for decades or are considering becoming an Alpha Chi, I hope you share my pride in this refreshing and trailblazing sisterhood! I encourage you to browse our website, and really look into the eyes of our members to see the passion, truth, and support that lives behind them.